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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/10/24 Lesson 1: Are You A Disciple Of Jesus? part 3 Caleb Davis Bible Class A closer Walk with God Wednesday Bible Study Are_You_A_Disciple_Of_Jesus_part_3.mp3
07/07/24 The Organization of the Church Caleb Davis Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship The_Organization_of_the_Church.mp3
07/07/24 The synagogue lesson 9 part 2 Caleb Davis Bible Class The intertestamental-period Sunday Bible Study synagogue_part_2.mp3
07/03/24 Lesson 1: Are You A Disciple Of Jesus? part 2 Caleb Davis Sermon A closer Walk with God Wednesday Bible Study A_closer_walk_with_God_lesson_1_part_2.mp3
06/30/24 The Problem with Pride Caleb Davis Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship the_problem_with_Pride.mp3
06/30/24 Can we do it? Bible Authoirty Caleb Davis Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Can_we_do_that.mp3
06/30/24 The synagogue lesson 9 part 1 Caleb Davis Bible Class The intertestamental-period Sunday Bible Study Lesson_9_part_1.mp3
06/26/24 Lesson 1: Are You A Disciple Of Jesus? Caleb Davis Bible Class A closer Walk with God Wednesday Bible Study A_Closer_walk_with_God_Lesson_1.mp3
06/23/24 Overcoming Times of Trials Caleb Davis Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Over_coming_times_of_trial.mp3
06/23/24 The Roman period part 5 lesson 8 Caleb Davis Bible Class The intertestamental-period Sunday Bible Study The_Roman_period_part_6.mp3
06/16/24 Don't Judge Me? Caleb Davis Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship Dont_Judge_Me.mp3
06/16/24 How we got the Bible Lesson 1 (God spoke to man) Caleb Davis Sermon How we got the Bible Sunday AM Worship How_we_Got_the_Bible_lesson_1.mp3
06/16/24 The Roman period part 4 lesson 8 Caleb Davis Bible Class The intertestamental-period Sunday Bible Study The_Roman_period_part_4_IP.mp3
06/09/24 Is Drinking alcohol ok? Caleb Davis Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship Is_Drinking_alcohol_ok.mp3
06/09/24 Man's Role (Family lesson 2) Caleb Davis Sermon The Family Sunday AM Worship The_Family_lesson_2_Mans_role.mp3
06/09/24 The Roman period part 3 lesson 8 Caleb Davis Bible Class The intertestamental-period Sunday Bible Study The_Roman_period_part_3.mp3
06/05/24 the Roman period part 2 lesson 8 Caleb Davis Bible Class The intertestamental-period Wednesday Bible Study The_Roman_period_part_2_IP.mp3
06/02/24 Q2: Son of Man Caleb Davis Sermon Bel like Christ 2024 Sunday AM Worship Be_Like_Christ_Son_of_Man.mp3
06/02/24 The Roman period lesson 8 Caleb Davis Bible Class The intertestamental-period Sunday Bible Study IP_Lesson_8_Roman_period.mp3
05/26/24 You Matter Caleb Davis Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship You_Matter.mp3
05/26/24 Are we saved by Works? Caleb Davis Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Are_we_saved_by_Works.mp3
05/26/24 The Hasmoneans lesson 7 part 2 Caleb Davis Bible Class The intertestamental-period Sunday Bible Study Lesson_7_part_2_ip.mp3
05/19/24 Why not be saved? Caleb Davis Sermon N/A Sunday AM Worship Why_not_be_saved.mp3
05/19/24 The Hasmoneans lesson 7 Caleb Davis Bible Class The intertestamental-period Sunday Bible Study IP_Lesson_7.mp3
05/12/24 How is your Faith? Caleb Davis Sermon N/A Sunday PM Worship How_is_your_Faith.mp3

Displaying 101 - 125 of 334

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