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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/13/24 King Saul Caleb Davis Lessons from the Kings Sunday PM Worship King_Saul.mp3
10/06/24 Jesus and His Lampstands (Lesson 7) Scott Beyer N/A Gospel Meeting Jesus_and_His_Lampstands.mp3
10/06/24 What is your reading of it? (lesson 5) Scott Beyer N/A Gospel Meeting What_is_your_reading_of_it.mp3
10/06/24 Bible Patterns (Lesson 6) Scott Beyer N/A Gospel Meeting Bible_Patterns.mp3
10/05/24 Do you want to be wise? (Lesson 4) Scott Beyer N/A Gospel Meeting Do_you_want_to_be_wise.mp3
10/04/24 A Faith Worthy of Acceptance (Lesson 3) Scott Beyer A Call to just be Christians Gospel Meeting A_Faith_Worthy_of_Acceptance.mp3
10/03/24 A common Faith (lesson 2) Scott Beyer A Call to just be Christians Gospel Meeting A_common_faith.mp3
10/02/24 Every Soul Needs Truth Scott Beyer A Call to just be Christians Gospel Meeting Every_Soul_Needs_Truth.mp3
09/29/24 Does the Lord’s House Lie in Ruin? Caleb Davis N/A Sunday AM Worship Does_the_house_of_God_lie_in_ruin.mp3
09/23/24 Publishing the Message (Lesson 3) Caleb Davis How we got the Bible Sunday PM Worship Publishing_the_Message.mp3
09/22/24 Adopted Sons Caleb Davis N/A Sunday AM Worship Adopted_Sons.mp3
09/15/24 Am I a stumbling block? Caleb Davis Hard teaching of Jesus Sunday AM Worship Are_you_a_stumbling_Block.mp3
09/08/24 Finding Unity Caleb Davis Unity (factionalism in the Church) Sunday PM Worship Unity_lesson_1.mp3
09/08/24 King David Caleb Davis Lessons from the Kings Sunday AM Worship King_David.mp3
09/01/24 Who and why Jesus Taught Caleb Davis Bel like Christ 2024 Sunday AM Worship BLC_Who_and_why_He_Taught.mp3
08/25/24 Desires of the Flesh Caleb Davis N/A Sunday AM Worship Desires_of_the_Flesh.mp3
08/20/24 Why are we Different Caleb Davis N/A Sunday PM Worship Wjy_are_we_Diffrent.mp3
08/18/24 The Family: Children Caleb Davis The Family Sunday AM Worship The_Family_Children.mp3
08/11/24 Searching for Christ Church Caleb Davis N/A Sunday PM Worship Searching_for_Christ_Church.mp3
08/11/24 How Jesus Taught Q3 the Evangelist Caleb Davis Bel like Christ 2024 Sunday AM Worship BLC_Q3_How_He_Taught.mp3
08/04/24 Lesson 2 Organizing the Message Caleb Davis How we got the Bible Sunday AM Worship How_we_got_the_Bible_lesson_2.mp3
07/28/24 Gluttony Caleb Davis Matters of the Heart Sunday AM Worship Gluttony_a_Matter_of_the_heart.mp3
07/21/24 The Kingdom of God Caleb Davis N/A Sunday PM Worship The_Kingdom_of_God.mp3
07/21/24 Family Lesson 3 A Women Role Caleb Davis N/A Sunday AM Worship Family_Lesson_3_Women.mp3
07/14/24 Christ The Evangelist- What He taught Caleb Davis Bel like Christ 2024 Sunday AM Worship Be_like_Christ_the_Evangelist.mp3

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